Hedera helix “Variegata”.
The following lists contain vines for various uses including fragrance, hillsides, low-water use, hot southern or western exposures, and partial shade.
Vines With Fragrant Flowers
Botanical Name | Common Name(s) |
Beaumontia | Trumpet Flower |
Clematis armandaii | Armand clematis |
Distictus laxiflora | Vanilla Trumpet Vine |
Jasminum polyanthum | Pink jasmine or White jasmine |
Lonicera | Honeysuckle |
Mandevillea laxa | Chilean jasmine |
Rose hybrids | Rose |
Stephanotis | Madagascar jasmine |
Trachelospermum | Star Jasmine |
Wisteria | Wisteria |
Vines For Hillsides
Botanical Name | Common Name(s) |
Bougainvillea | Bougainvillea |
Hedera | Ivy |
Ipomoea acuminate | Blue Morning Glory, Ocean Blue Morning Glory, and Blue Dawn Flower |
Lonicera japonica | Golden-and-Silver Honeysuckle and Japanese Honeysuckle |
Parthenocissus quinquefolia | Virginia Creeper, Victoria Creeper, Five- Leaved Ivy, or Five-Finger |
Passiflora | Passion Flower |
Polygonum aubertii | Silver Lace Vine, Silvervine Fleeceflower |
Rosa banksiae | Rose |
Tecomaria | Honeysuckle |
Low-Water Vines
Botanical Name | Common Name(s) |
Bougainvillea | Bougainvillea |
Tecomaria capensis | Cape Honeysuckle |
Wisteria | Wisteria |
Vines For Hot Southern or Western Exposures
Botanical Name | Common Name(s) |
Antigonon | Antigonon |
Bougainvillea | Bougainvillea |
Distictus | Trumpet Vine |
Macfadyena | Cat’s Claw |
Pyracantha | Firethorn or Pyracantha |
Pyrostegia venusta | Flamevine or Orange Trumpet Vine |
Rose species | Rose |
Tecomaria capensis | Cape Honeysuckle |
Wisteria | Wisteria |
Vines For Partial Shade
Botanical Name | Common Name(s) |
Akebia | Akebia |
Cissus | Cissus |
Clematis | Clematis |
Clytostoma | Lavender Trumpet Vine |
Distictus | Trumpet Vine |
Fatshedera | Fatshedera |
Ficus pumila | Creeping Fig |
Gelsemium | Gelsemium |
Hardenbergia | Hardenbergia |
Hedera | Ivy |
Hibbertia scandens | Golden Guinea Vine, Climbing Guinea Flower, and Snake Vine |
Lonicera | Honeysuckle |
Mandevilla | Jasmine |
Pandorea | Bower Vine |
Parthenocissus | Parthenocissus |
Pyrostegia venusta | Flamevine or Orange Trumpet Vine |
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